Bio Inspired Robotics- Sand Worm
Research focuses on borrowing inspiration from nature to design automated systems with lifelike capabilities. Aim to further the scientific understanding of movement and manipulation in biological systems and to apply this knowledge towards new engineering paradigms in robot design, fabrication, and control.

Smart Car Parking System
International Journal Of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
ISSN: 2278- 0181
Date September 2020, Volume 9 Issue 9
This project deals with an effective way of finding empty spaces and managing the number of vehicles moving in and out in complex multi-storeyed parking structures by detecting a vehicle using IR sensors and thus providing feedback. The fully automated smart car parking system is rudimental and does not require heavy lines of code or expensive equipment. It is a simple circuit built for the exact need of purpose. This automated system is used to fi the vacancy in parking spaces available and navigates the driver to reach the desired space using visuals and in an effective manner, thus reducing search time. This system is required for malls, multistorey parking structures, IThubs, and parking facilities. This makes sure the requirement of labor is insubstantial.

Hybrid Electric Vehicle
Publication :
International Journal Of Mechanical And Production Engineering Research And Development (IJMPERD)
ISSN : 2249-6890(P), 2249-8001(E)
Date : June 2020 , Volume 10 Issue 3
There will soon be a day when all the oceans dry out of crude oil, and the atmosphere gets contaminated with harmful gases causing depletion in the ozone layer. That day is imminent. There has been a proliferating rise in population, demand for oil, oil price, and the ability to equalize the demand to supply stringently. The world is entirely dependent on fossil fuels, becoming an essential part of life. The environmental effects of combustion help us study and move into an alternative way of harnessing energy from renewable resources. This project discusses the diffusion of hybrid technologies in two-wheelers. A hybrid vehicle can reduce the consumption of fossil fuels and move into a less harmful way of powertrain efficiency. Use of this technology in vehicles helps us achieve fuel economy, increased power, and pollution reduction. Once the production of IC engines is reduced, the production and demand for hybrid vehicles increases, allowing us to build a better world for maintaining sustainable development.

Electric Vehicle Charging Station
Publication :
International Journal of Scientific Research in Science, Engineering and Technology(IJSRSET)
ISSN : 2395-1990(P), 2394-4099(E)
Date : JuLY 2021, Volume 8 Issue 4
The primary reason why people don’t prefer electric vehicles is because of the unavailability of charging stations. Charging stations, unlike petrol bunks, aren’t available everywhere. There always exists a fear as to what might happen if the vehicle runs out of battery. People are worried about more straightforward and faster computing methods in our country rather than saving the Earth from the ill effects caused by pollution. The project mainly deals with a simple solution to make charging stations more accessible. The solution involves using public electricity and solar panels for the easy and hassle-free charging of Electric Vehicles. This project consists of a scaled-down prototype.